
News & Events

SPP2100 team at RoboSoft 2024 Conference with Ground-breaking Innovations and Notable Victories

The SPP2100 DFG Priority Programme made a remarkable participation at the RoboSoft 2024 conference, held in San Diego, California, USA.


From March 11th to 13th, 2024, the priority programme SPP 2100 on Soft Material Robotics held its General Assembly at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) near Munich. The event was marked by a series of enlightening presentations and discussions that showcased the remarkable progress of our individual projects. We sincerely thank the DLR for hosting us and providing an excellent setting for our assembly.

SPP2100 Mercator Fellows start their reserach in Germany

We are delighted to welcome our two new Mercator Fellows Prof John Rieffel and Prof Paolo Massenio to the DFG Priority Programme 2100. Their expertise and dedication will significantly enhance our research endeavors across two distinct projects.


Recently, we successfully carried out our fourth General Assembly of the Priority Programme SPP2100 in the beautiful city of Dresden, Germany. The four days assembly with more than 45 researchers, including professors, postdocs, and PhD candidates from 13 institutes from all over Germany, exchanged information on their individual project results aiming to leverage soft material robotic systems. 

Summer School 2023

From October 9th to 11th, 2023, the SPP 2100 on Soft Material Robotics hosted its annual Summer School in Stuttgart, bringing together its PhD students from all over Germany for a few days of intensive talks and workshops.

Calling applications for the Mercator fellow positions

The priority programme Soft Material Robotic Systems SPP2100 is seeking applicants for two Mercator Fellow positions for the years 2023 to 2024.

IROS 2022 FULL-DAY WORKSHOP: Soft Robots for Humanity

Organized by Jan Peters and Ditzia Susana García Morales, the full-day workshop Soft Robots for Humanity at this year's International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Kyoto was an exciting event that attracted many participants in-person and online. The workshop aimed to identify current applications for soft robotic systems and highlight the opportunities for soft robots shaping a symbiotic society and a better world of tomorrow.


At the beginning of the second funding period, we organized the first Summer School at the PZH of Leibniz Universität Hannover on September 26 and 27 to familiarize ourselves with the new projects and research work of our team members and to share our research topics with each other.

Soft Material Robotic Systems - Second funding period

The second funding period will focus on specifying the advantages of soft material systems, with particular emphasis on intrinsic material compliance and additional built-in functionality such as sensing, actuation and transformation capabilities. This highly interdisciplinary programmme seeks to improve the possibilities of technology transfer and the exchange of mutual knowledge.

CALLING APPLICATIONS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS: IROS 2022 Soft Robots for Humanity workshop

The Soft Material Robotics Systems SPP2100 priority program funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) is sponsoring five young researchers (who are not authors of accepted IROS 2022 papers) from underrepresented backgrounds to participate in the Soft Robots for Humanity workshop at the IEEE/RSJ 2022 International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (IROS 2022) on October 23 - 27, 2022 in Kyoto, Japan.

Third General Assembly of SPP2100 priority programme

The follow up to the series of successful general assemblies of the SPP2100 priority programme was organized for the third time in the beautiful city of Cologne, from 28th to 31st March, 2022. More than 40 researchers from 13 university groups were present in person at the conference, a contrast from the hybrid conference last year. Throughout the four days, the researchers had the chance to engage in valuable information exchanges and take a well-deserved break from their labs and enjoy the beautiful weather and the company of their colleagues in Cologne.

General assembly of SPP2100 priority programme – “The future of Soft Robotics”

Following a successful first general assembly last year, the second general assembly of the SPP2100 programme was planned this year in the beautiful city of Leipzig from 5th to 8th July. With the current restrictions in mind, it was planned as a hybrid event that allowed more than 50 researchers from 13 universities from all over Germany to join virtually or in person. Throughout the four days, the researchers had the chance to engage in valuable information exchanges and break free from their labs and enjoy the beautiful weather in Leipzig.

Meeting for PhD students

The SPP 2100 programme is a collaboration between thirteen university groups within Germany, each group hosting at least two or more PhD students. Once a year, a meeting is organized to exchange ideas and updates among different groups, usually followed by a few soft skills workshops. While this meeting is usually held in person and allows the PhD students to take a break from the labs and meet their colleagues from all over the country, this year the process was different, owing to the ongoing restrictions.

Promoting gender equality and diversity within research groups

In the modern world, gender inequality and diversity are topics often met with resistance to some degree. Statistics show an upward trend in the number of female PhD holders, and their representation in academia, specially in STEM, is on a path of progress, even if a little slow.

Workshop for the students of Leibniz University Hannover

As soft robotics is becoming one of the most important and interesting fields of science, it is crucial now more than ever to introduce this field to the young scientists and researchers and to encourage them to pursue the field, in order to bring it to the heights it is more than capable of rising to. The soft robotics team at match had this ultimate objective in mind as they conducted the first workshop on Soft Robotics for the students of Leibniz University on 3rd December 2020.

Soft robotics for young minds

There is no age limit to learning. This was the main inspiration behind the workshop offered by Gauß AG in collaboration with the Institute of Assembly technology (match) on 19.10.2020.

General Assembly SPP2100

General Assembly SPP2100 “Working towards the age of the soft robots”

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